From a medical point of view, health is ultimately based upon the level of energy you experience on a daily basis. Every cell within our body is an energy station, generating energy in mitochondria. Ill health is caused by a loss of energy at the level of our cells. Lack of energy is created by the slow accumulation of damage due to toxicity, hormone depletion, lifestyle choices, and mindset.

All our discussions are related to the notion of energy. We use this notion in the Bio-Well programs, and emphasize that all this is based on the classical definition: Energy, (from the Greek “Energeia”–action, activity), is a general quantitative measure of the movement and interactions of all kinds of matter.

In Bio-Well images (Bio-grams) we evaluate energy of the photons, emitted by the subject. The Bio-Well instrument indirectly measures electron densities in human systems and organs, as well as the character of the stimulated electron currents. These electron densities are the fundamental basis of the physiological energy, so we can state with confidence that the Bio-Well instrument makes it possible to measure the body’s potential energy reserve.

Intercommunication in the organism—as well as its communication with the environment—comes on the level of photons and electrons. This is the basis of quantum regulation of the system homeostasis. This is a dynamic process that changes every fraction of a second. Any Bio-Well image snapshot we create can change in the next instant depending upon the stability of the organism functioning. We have to transform towards an understanding of life as an ever changing dynamic energy process.

The Bio-Well instrument bridges the gap between logical Western science and the intuitive science of the Orient. It is now possible to present the same phenomenon in different languages, in different systems, and to look at the same phenomenon from multiple points of view. If you are familiar with the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, if you accept the ideas of meridians, energy channels and energy fields, then the Bio-Well instrument is for you–particularly since the concept of electro-puncture is already well integrated into modern Western medicine. Additionally, it is possible to refer to energy measurements and the energy potential of organs and systems in any language. We hope that the data obtained through the Bio-Well instrument broadens that paradigm, giving it refreshing new content and a new vocabulary to describe subtle changes. - The Energy of Health. Konstantin Korotkov

Analysis of a personal energetic homeostasis by measuring energy field.

Some examples of our measurments are below.

Example 1: Gender F, age 76

Example 2: Gender M, age 43

Example 3: Gender F, age 37